October 11, 2005

In the Media

via teh weblog of ayaan hirsi ali, Dutch politicial and former Muslim come this peice In the Media by The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. I have no idea what their biases are so read wit hcaution, but the article raises some interesting points such as:
"Like the Nazis and Communists, Militant Islamists are totalitarians – they despise democratic societies. The difference is that where Nazis saw democracy as decadent, and Communists viewed democracy as bourgeois, Militant Islamists regard democracy as blasphemous: It awards to citizens powers that belong to God -- as interpreted by them, of course."
Indonesia is not the only Muslim country the Islamists are targeting. In August, scores of bombs rocked Bangladesh. Only a few people were killed and the international community shrugged. But Bangladeshis got the message loud and clear: “Become more like us, more Muslim – as we define the term -- or we will make you suffer. No one can protect you. No one will even try.”

Similarly, and again with little attention from the U.N., the media or just about anyone else, southern Thailand has become the bloodiest killing ground for Muslims after Iraq. Although most Thais are Buddhists, Muslims predominate in three southern provinces. There, bombings, beheadings and drive-by shootings have killed more than 1,000 people, including moderate Muslims and Buddhist monks and teachers.
which rather blows a hole in Al Guardian's line that it is the Islamofascists that are the oppressed ones and if we hadn't invaded iraq then they would be all sweetness and light.


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